Sunday, May 2, 2010

How to do an Oil Change

I have created a screencast for your entertainment on How to do an Oil Change on a Yamaha YZ450F. Why do I call it entertaining? Because it is probably more entertaining than educational. Not really, I learned alot from this assignment, not only how to create a screencast but also how to change the oil. Both could prove to be beneficial knowledge in my future.


  1. Nice tutorial. The only downfall is that I don't have a Yamaha to use the steps for xD.

  2. "I don't argue about oil" Love that comment. Great tutorial. Does it sound different after you changed the oil?

  3. Cannot believe those clean hands - mine would have more oil on them then what got put in the tank!!

    What is the life of an oil filter? How many miles to get as dirty as the one you removed? It looked pretty bad. Were you overdue?

    Great use of Jing video. Liked the extra arrows and numbers to spot the important parts.

  4. This was the initial oil change of the break in oil. The bike only had two hours riding time on it. Oil changes are due every 15 hrs of riding time. Based on hrs instead of miles for dirt bikes. The hubby says changing the filter with every oil change is cheap insurance.

    I had a short video of the engine running after the oil change but for some reason the sound didn't come through on the screencast so I skipped it. Sounded the same to be before and after.

  5. Always good to know how to do your own oil work for vehicles rather than paying another to do it at high prices. Don't know of too many people of that ride bikes but still useful.
