Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Motorcycle Comparison

I have used my Google Docs spreadsheet to make a comparison chart for motorcycle engines. Please visit and test it out. If you don't know the engine size and horsepower just fill in the motorcycle manufacturer and type and I will add the other information.


  1. Wow. Talk about a dynamic application!! Well done!!

  2. Thank you, I was worried about how to tie it to the blog subject but the hubby came through again.

  3. great job Karen. very clean spreadsheet and your chart looks nice, I had some problems with mine.

  4. very nice table/spreadsheet. I changed the formula on the final cells to make it a little more dynamic and added the motorcycle I found :)

  5. That's a great spreadsheet comparison. Your graph looks so nice with the cc's and all. I didn't know quite what engine or cc to put in for the Harley, but I figured you would. :)

  6. I have to find the info for a sportster but probably not in the form a trike. I will see what I can find. Thanks for the help Stephen, I kinda knew it needed it.

  7. Very nice, good use of colors
